TAIP Newsletter Issue 3.

TAIP Newsletter - Issue 3

January 18, 2022

January 20, 2022 - TAIP AGM

The TAIP Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday, January 20th, 2022.

The "AGM" is a chance to review and reflect on the last year. This will include a detailed report by the board members.

We will also elect the new president and open up the floor to discuss any important, incoming issues.

The AGM will be held by Zoom from 6 pm and usually lasts between 60-90 minutes. These meetings are open to Institutional Members, Institutional Associate Members, and Individual Associate Members of the organization.

Please check your email for registration information.

We hope as many of you as possible will find the time to attend. If you cannot attend, you may use the form above to pass your voting rights to another member.

Director's Meetings

We have a monthly Zoom meeting for the leaders of TAIP member schools. This is an excellent opportunity for school leaders to get to know one another, exchange tips and ideas, share concerns, and engage in professional networking.

The meeting is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 11 am.

If your school leader is interested in participating in these meetings, please send an email to TAIP Secretary, Merete Kropp at secretary@tokyopreschools.org to be added to the email list of school leaders.

TAIP Conversations Podcast

In 2021, we released three episodes of our TAIP Conversations Podcasts.

Episode 3: Licensing and Authorization

TAIP President Alex Batten leads the discussion with Ayla International School Principal Puteri Zailan and a founder and Director of Youhou Eiken Kyoukai Mayumi Murata, covering licensing and authorization of early childhood care facilities in Japan.

Although there are many variations in rules and procedures based on municipality, we discuss the main framework of hoikuen, youchien, and kodomoen. We also talk about the different authorizations, such as ninka and ninka-gai.

Puteri Zailan also talks about her experience becoming a foreign hoikushi in Japan.

Episode 2: Learning Through Play

TAIP Secretary and Principal of Komazawa Park International School, Merete Kropp, leads a discussion about play and play-based learning with ASIJ Early Learning Center Director Christy Carrillo, and Ohana International School Assistant Director John Adduru.

Our discussion this episode is about the role of play in the classroom. We discuss our definitions of play, and how we use play in our schools. How we handle rough or risky play. We also talk about the role of play in developing executive function, how we document play, and how we explain these topics with parents.

Episode 1: Raising Bilingual Children is available to TAIP Members in the Members Section.

7 Days of Preschool and “Meet the TAIP Community”

Our “7 Days of Preschool” social media promotion, started in 2021, is still running! We are happy to have a few more schools to promote this year.

Please like and follow to help promote our great TAIP Member Schools.

Under the name “Meet the TAIP Community” we also took some time to promote our 2021 Associate Members on social media. Please reach out to them if they have services you might need!

2021 TAIP Associate Members

- Association for International Early Childhood Education http://aiece.or.jp

- Flywire GK http://flywire.com

- Jobs in Japan https://jobsinjapan.com

- Scholastic Japan http://scholastic.asia/en

- Youho Eigo Kentei Kyoukai http://youhoeiken.com/index.html

- LUCREA, Inc. http://lucrea.co.jp

- McGraw-Hill Education Japan http://mheducation.asia

- Rach Inc. http://rachincorporated.com

- mangoSTEEMS Japan https://mangosteems.com

Thank you!