TAIP Newsletter Issue 1.

TAIP Newsletter - Issue 1

June 10, 2021

Recent Professional Development

Thank you to our presenter Amanda Stradling who led the "Reflecting on School Year 2020-2021" workshop on June 5.  And thank you to all who joined.

Fall Professional Development

In October 2021, Lisa Murphy will do three workshops covering 'being child-centered,' writing with children, and block play. You can sign up now on our homepage, but we will continue to publicize this training as we get closer to fall.

"TAIP Conversations" Podcast

Please listen to our new TAIP Conversations podcast series. We will focus on discussions of issues surrounding the international early childhood education community in Japan.

TAIP President Alex Batten hosts our first episode, "Raising Bilingual Children in Japan." This episode features guests Mary Nobuoka, currently teaching at Keio and Waseda Universities; Ann Nishigaya, Principal at Tokyo Children's Garden; and Merete Kropp, Principal at Komozawa Park International School and visiting professor at Showa Women's University.

You can stream the podcast on our homepage or from these sites:

TAIP Member Section

The TAIP Member Section of the homepage gives Member School representatives access to the "TAIP Conversations" podcast episodes after we archived them from the homepage, AGM minutes, and financial reports.

Member schools can also post information to our homepage, social media accounts, and future TAIP newsletters. To post information about events at your school, please use the "Member Posts" form in the Member Section. "Member Posts" are not limited to events. You can post about what is happening in your school.

We will email the Member Section password to school representatives in a follow-up email.

School Listings Updates

Also in the Member Section is a form to update your school information. Information you can update includes:

  • Main TAIP Contact Person/Email Address
  • Secondary Contact Person/Email Address
  • School Telephone Number
  • School Website URL
  • Social Media Links
  • School Address(s)
  • Special Programs --> New Category
  • School Logo
  • Photographs (3)

We are planning to add more information per school, but please note that we only include school name, logo, website link, and ward/city information in the Member Directory listing at this time.

Thank you!

Tokyo Association of International Schools